
Values help us navigate through life and often create wisdom. Here are a few I’ve picked up along the way. Some I feel strongly about, others I’m still exploring.

Travel, with an open mind

30% illogical

Work with people who care

Design for life

People make the place

Stories change cities

Think in systems

Focus on being better, not bigger

Progress makes its own rules

Two questions all public servants - everyone actually - should be asking every day

Useful data + creativity + rich storytelling = value

Form a small team; make what people want/need; use resources wisely

Agile teams; big impact

What if... now how?

Kanban or scrum workflows provide a salubrious experience for your team

20% time

If you don't make a decision yourself, someone else will make the decision for you

Doors for decisions

Deliberate practice

Confluence of industry

Know where you're working on the innovation bell curve

Know when a plan to play is more important than a goal

Understand the hierarchy of wealth

The secret to being creative...


BAU (business as usual) = slow death*

Do it first, better, or differently

Why it's important to ship at 80

People who always say they are busy are often poor collaborators

Why the 80/20 rule is valuable...

Why it's important to know everyone lives in their bubble

Strong views; loosely held (Marc Andreessen)

People who play team competitions make great collaborators

Things to do everyday...

“Better humans make better ORGANISATIONS And better ORGANISATIONS make a better world.” Mykel Dixon.