Remi (opportunity)

Michael is on leave and will be returning [insert date]. In the meantime, please enjoy a peaceful Christmas and New Year.

Michael’s email autoresponder while he’s on leave and the world transitions to a new year.


You know…

I’m an autoresponder, and my job is to respond to your email in a succinct and efficient manner, to inform you that Michael is on leave, when he’ll be back, and to put your email into the most appropriate folder in his inbox.

Although, when Michael gave me the job, he did say, ‘Remi, please provide great service, and if you feel you’d like to give a little more to help make the world a better place, please do so.’

So, I asked Michael, ‘What can a little autoresponder like me do to help make the world a better place?’

And he said, ‘One of the best things you can do, Remi, is to create opportunities for people.’

So, how does an autoresponder create an opportunity for a human?


A quick scan of my employer’s inbox and I learn that it’s been a crazy year – so much has happened. Some people seek advice and leadership, others seek support and encouragement, some people seek control, while others choose to adapt, create, and collaborate.

One question I see in Michael’s outbox is, ‘What are you trying to do?’

And the responses are fascinating and diverse. Some humans don’t know, but many share their dreams, visions, challenges, and motivations.

Michael then follows up with the question, ‘How can I help?’

Over time, these two simple questions lead to new opportunities. Opportunities for people to learn new skills, form new friendships, solve problems, and pursue ideas, to capture their dreams and to make our cities better for people and planet.

Robots tend to only do what we’re programmed to do. Unlike robots, humans can come together to collaborate and create totally new things. So, I must ask:

  • What did you create this year that you’re most proud of?
  • And who did you collaborate with to make good things happen?

I am inspired by humans who Michael collaborates with – people like you – and yes, I may be a little autoresponder, but it’s possible for me to step up and help.

First, in less than 0.003 seconds, a new folder has been created in Michael’s inbox: Opportunities.

Michael will love it! When he returns to work, he’ll immediately know who is doing valuable work and can prioritise and action these collaborations sooner.

Secondly, I will share a vision from our future based on the work that Michael and his peers are doing. Robots can extrapolate based on data, although humans aren’t great at interpreting data, so I’ll present it as an entertaining interactive story. Published in less than 0.002 seconds: 2041 The Storm.

And finally, I’ll filter your email into the appropriate folder. Thank you for being kind, for creating opportunities for people, and for doing great work that makes our world a better place.

It’s been a pleasure to serve you and I look forward to a new year of opportunity. See you there.


Michael’s email autoresponder.
While he’s on leave and the world transitions from 2021 to 2022.
