Michael Bromage is a creative designer and award-winning producer known for his innovative contributions across industry, government, academia, and community sectors. Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music and English from James Cook University (1998-2001) and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), where his research focuses on the creative underground in regional cities, particularly Townsville, North Queensland. His academic pursuits have earned him prestigious accolades, including a QUT research scholarship and a competitive state government grant titled “Improving Social Inclusion Pathways for Low-Income Families in Townsville through Place-Based Creative Collaborations” (2023-2024). This project, funded by the Queensland Department of Communities, Housing and the Digital Economy, was led by Michael co-hosted by QUT and DakTech to design, deliver, and test an innovative program to combat social isolation and loneliness among low-income families in Townsville.

Michael is also an Idea Entrepreneur and Research Intern with Townsville-based IT service provider and maker space host, DakTech, where he co-designs spaces and systems that aid organisations, individuals, and communities in ideation and prototyping processes. This role aligns with his broader commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation. As the creator and founder of Collaborative City, Michael has developed systems that enhance cooperation among citizens, government, businesses, and communities, thus bolstering the social, economic, and environmental strengths of cities. His research work aims to influence public library services, participatory urban planning, and the broader field of social innovation, making him an emerging thought leader in the creative design and social impact scene.

Professionally, Michael’s career highlights also include his tenure as the ABC Open Producer North Queensland for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) from 2011 to 2015. In this role, he collaborated with a national team to design and develop processes that enabled citizens to co-produce high-quality content for the ABC, which reached local, national, and international audiences. His leadership in community engagement and content production was instrumental in establishing the ABC Open program’s success.

Comments from colleagues, clients, and customers.

Hon. Leeanne Enoch MP, while Minister, Queensland Parliament…

“I was greatly inspired to hear about the amazing work Michael is already doing which is making a real difference in the lives of Queenslanders.”

Pamela McGowan, while Library Team Manager, Local Government…

“Michael is an ambassador for how the library team could be. I appreciate his focus on innovation and the way he brings others on the journey with him.” 

Ann Chesterman & Cath Dwyer, while ABC Open Directors, Australian Broadcasting Corporation…

“We love his enthusiasm, his ideas + let’s face it, Michael’s job application is still the stand out!”

Sandra Gattenhof, while Director of Research Training, Queensland University of Technology…

“Michael’s work is well connected to theory and has potential to develop impact outcomes, particularly for regional Australian communities.”

Craig Treloar, while Head of Digital Strategy, Local Government

“Michael’s videography and production skills have been a valuable asset to both our team and the organisation. This includes capturing multiple styles of video to a high standard and undertaking all aspects of post-production from video and sound editing to creating graphics and even music.

He is also a creative thinker. His work inspires the entire Community Engagement team by proving that Government-produced marketing collateral can be fun and entertaining while still delivering its key message. For example, the ‘Kerbside is Back’ and ‘Bottle Love’ videos.

His ability to plan and self-manage has been an important factor in the continuity of our team, and afforded me the capacity to focus on the organisation’s increasing demands in the digital space.”

Councillor Colleen Doyle, while Councillor for the City of Townsville…

“His introduction at Mykel Dixon’s ‘Communities Built to Last, D is for Disruption’ program was inspirational! He reminded me about the wonders of being a parent, and actually helped me refocus on what is important.”

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Stacey Gibson, while General Manager Community Engagement, Local Government

“Michael has provided me with the reminder to stop every now and then and remember to look at the big picture. I have been grateful for that as it has allowed me on a number of times to reassess priorities and schedule new works.

He has helped the Integrated Marketing and Communications team in a number of ways. Firstly the support he gives as a member of the team, being always available to advise, listen and help. The learning lunches he has set up have been a great learning opportunity for the team as well as helping boost morale and bringing the team together. The knowledge that he brings and constant learnings have been of benefit to all members. His creativity with video and ability to tell a story has inspired me to support creativity within the team.”

Rebecca Collard, while Learning & Information Officer, Local Government

“Many people were involved with getting the (Townsville CityLibraries) studio space off the ground however it is Michael’s brainchild and the amount of effort and encouragement he put into building such a collaborative space is astounding. Thank you, Michael, for all the hard work you put into Citylibraries, its customers and staff.”

Brittany Falco, while Project Officer, Local Government

“Michael has been such a positive influence on our marketing team and further the IMC team. He encourages people to think outside the box daily, and to be the best version of themselves. He takes the time to listen to everyone’s ideas and find ways to provide encouraging feedback and constructive criticism. Because of his personality and demeanour – he always comes across happy and impressed with everyone regardless of how little they may have thought about something, or how crazy their idea may be. In a team with such diverse personalities, he brings happiness and positivity into all team meetings – the team truly does appreciate the way he thinks.”

ABC Open Producers, while working for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation…

“Michael is the king of cool and uber intelligent. The quiet crusader who always has positive and valuable insights and ideas.” Dan Battley.

“Michael always has something worthwhile to add to any situation but he always lets others have their say first. He is a gentle, warm, caring presence who I have never heard say a bad word about anyone. But he is also an adventurer unafraid to step into the unknown, with enough creative and organisational talent to sink a ship.” Jo Joyce.

“Michael is my Yoda. Calm, wise, smart, and creative. Always great to chat with and a constant inspiration with his storytelling skills. One of my favourite stories has been Mick’s ‘The Lighthouse Keepers’ Son’. 30 minutes long. Worth watching.” Brad Marsellos.

“Michael is a thinker who considers all sides of the coin. Highly talented and creative and somehow manages to maintain a zenlike state throughout. I love it when I get to have a chat with Mick because he’s in depth, invested and listening. He can express his views without imposing them. He is generous, empathetic, genuine, and gentle.” Solua Middleton.

“My favourite Michael moment was working with him during our QLD conference for our audio slideshow session – where we used Brad as the male model. If that experience is anything to go by, I totally understand why he kills in Townsville. He is a great collaborator, listener, ideas man, skilful and so OPEN – pardon the pun – to everyone’s ideas.” Benjamin Tupas.

Jason Cooley, while Waste & Recycling Truck Driver, Local Government

“Michael helped me with my work by making me more confident with the public, with public speaking and just enjoying my job. I actually look forward to the Council’s ad campaigns just so we can have some fun when filming and seeing what ideas we can come up with when the time comes to film.

Michael’s helped the team at the Hard Waste Garbo’s with people being aware with what they can put out on the kerb and making the ad’s memorable. The amount of people that come up to the Kerbside Boys and myself quoting the ad is amazing.”

Tegan Zurbo, while Customer Experience Officer, Local Government

Michael has greatly expanded my knowledge of marketing and community engagement. His enthusiasm and interest in his work is contagious, and I learn something new each time I work with him. His knowledge benefits my team (customer experience) as a whole, and encourages us to pursue our interests in marketing. As a result, our team actively engages in events and activities, and feels confident to share ideas. Michael is an inspiration to everyone he works with, as his approachable nature and enthusiasm sparks many interesting conversations and brainstorming sessions!”

Connor Wallace, while Social Media Officer, Local Government

“Michael has so many roles to play in his life and somehow manages to intertwine all into one funky dude who excels at his work and allows different experiences in his life craft creative stories and ideas that provides common ground for our viewers. His ideas have helped me to further my creativity and make me strive to hone in on not only my strengths but also my weaknesses. His videos have definitely helped my social platforms thrive and provide some fun and laughter – which is a nice mix to the corporate and/or news style videos that are online now.”

Keesha Booth, while Community Development Officer, Local Government

Michael is amazing! He has helped me realise that CREATIVITY can change the world by trying from one single idea. He honestly sets the culture (of the library’s creative studios) and holds such a curious and non-judgmental vibe to the space. No idea is a stupid idea with him.”

Jacob Schaumburg, while Digital Programs Officer, Local Government

The most valuable lesson I’ve taken from Michael is to experiment and fail often. Laugh when it fails and try something different. Be calm, life goes on, whether I missed a deadline, or the project didn’t eventuate the way I wanted. Michael also taught me how to work around things, how to be resourceful, how to be malleable. Valuable lessons that apply to so many aspects of my life.”

Carly Sheil, while Graphic Design Officer, Local Government

“Michael powers through difficulties, pushing up the bar on creativity and fun in new ways. His lunchtime learnings have been an amazing thing to attend, they have a sort of ‘grassroots’ feel, despite being held within the heart of a corporate building, and have really helped to break the daily stress and bring more creative thinking back into my tired brain.”

Kellie Thompson, while Internal Communications Support Officer, Local Government

“Michael has helped me improve my skills in video and photography, and given me the confidence to try new things in this area. This was something I always wanted to try but didn’t know where to start, however, his patience and simple instructions made it a lot easier for me to learn. I’ve now been able to put these new skills to use and complete tasks I would not have been able to do previously. This is a benefit to both myself and my team.”

Neal Thorley, while Digital Services Administrator, Local Government

“Through our discussions Michael has helped me with thinking about the bigger picture stuff. On several occasions our quick hallway catch ups have helped to give me a different perspective on things, I value the insight and ideas he provided. He has a sharp mind and great critical thinking skills. I’m impressed by how he sets up sprints for team members to focus on specific tasks and that he has the balls to “give it a go’ and see what happens.”

Bede Ashley, while Allied Health Team Leader, Queensland Health…

“The “coaching” aspect, which is a single word for the way that Michael asks a question which is non-critical, encourages expansion of thinking, which ultimately leads to learning something new and then applying it into a project in a way which I wouldn’t have considered previously.”

Mia-Bianca Vaudrey, while Executive Communications and Projects Officer, Local Government

“Michael’s capacity to think around corners, take a vague briefing and deliver excellent content and his attitude towards projects (both those that inspire him and those that challenge him) has always set an example for the team and personally inspired me. He quietly and subtly provides mentoring and leadership, guiding decision making whilst also allowing the team to make their own decisions.

When we worked closely, the environment was often challenging and parameters on his work could change without notice. Throughout this he still maintained a calm and balanced approach, a quirky sense of humour and a creative mindset.”

Heckle & Jeckle, while Dementia Podcast Australia celebrities…

“We appreciate Michael’s calm, open demeanour as we sometimes ask the same thing over and again. We are very appreciative of his genuine care & interest in us achieving our goals regarding our podcast. We love Michael’s community mindedness and our experience of him is that everyone matters and is equally important as another. This promotes a real sense that everyone’s projects are valuable to them, the creative community, and the greater community as a whole. We totally appreciate how available Michael is… just knowing he is there builds a confidence in us to explore further and achieve things we never thought were possible. Thanks.”

Caitlin Single, while Business Development Officer, Local Government

“I like that Michael challenges me at times and makes me think about why we do things or asking the ‘what now?’ I value his expertise and advice about anything work related, he has so much experience and knowledge across a range of different areas.”

Megan Leese, while Marketing and Communications Officer, Local Government

I have truly appreciated working closely with Michael on various projects, in particular the recruitment campaign project. The bundle of knowledge and skills he has brought to the team is greatly valued. His marketing, videography, photography and storytelling skills has become an integral skill set for the team and enabled us to achieve a new level of professionalism in what we are producing. Individually, I’ve appreciated Michael’s mentoring me in learning new skills surrounding photography, videography and how to tell a story. His creativity and insight into different situations makes me think outside the box and takes projects to an exciting new level.”

Belinda Graniglia, while Community Learning Librarian, Local Government

“Michael exemplifies the values and behaviours we seek to uphold in our daily work. He’s always listening and thinking of creative ways to build Townsville City Libraries into a space everyone wants to be part of. He’s community driven and always seeks to provide customers and staff with his best work. He has passion for his work and guides others towards theirs. Customers are always engaged and immediately comfortable with his professional and caring approach. He often finds out far more from a ten minute conversation than others could find out in a lifetime. He shows kindness, humility and a fantastic positive attitude in his role in the library and always makes work and learning fun for everyone.”

Mark O’Neill, while Digital Content Officer, Local Government

“Michael shows professionalism, complete dedication to the goals of the team and Council, a knowledge base that I admire immensely and a calming voice. His input to team discussions, certainly assists me in understanding what is happening in his world and through the pride he shows in his work.”

Nikki Kerswell, while First Five Forever Team, Local Government

“Obviously the video was amazing. It really helped others to understand one part of the job we do, helping to start conversations internally and externally about F5F our aims etc. Michael did such a great job of putting me at my ease during the interview and an incredible job of making my words so much more with his editing. Michael inspires in so many ways – his positive approach. His TRUE no silos style of working. His passion for the community, knowing what they want and how we can help achieve that.”

Lauren Filbee, while Marketing and Communications Officer, Local Government

“I value Michael’s ability to deliver key messages through creative storytelling. I enjoy brainstorming ideas with him, as his blue-sky thinking brings forward concepts and ideas that I often would have never thought of. This has been very helpful in my campaigns as it has introduced fun and quirkiness to the I&O portfolio. His work inspires me to think outside the square to make my campaigns more engaging.”

Nana Onishi, while Adult Programs Planner, Local Government

“Michael helped me with my projects as the go-to person when I needed help in light of marketing strategies and relationship building. For example, when I was looking for judges for the Short Story Competition, he gave me some contacts who are familiar with children’s literature and its development. It really helped me to get to know the local authors and how I should approach them. The team trust Michael’s specialist advice from his experience and knowledge. His advice is always sought from a fair point of view as well. It helps when there are different opinions within the team. Michael’s calming relaxing nature eases myself especially when I am overwhelmed with my work.”

Mark Kelly, while Stakeholder Engagement Officer, Local Government

“Michael brings amazing knowledge to our team as someone has worked through the changes in media technology in the past 20 + years and has a great understanding of different methods to apply to catch the audiences’ interest. His knowledge of the various layers of input (visual, sound and lighting and dialogue) is a real asset to the team – and has helped to lift the perception of the TCC marketing group beyond just facts sheets and media stories.”

Elizabeth O’Niel, while Systems Integration Librarian, Local Government

“Michael has assisted me with many things. I love his holistic approach to working in general – the how & whys of what we do as a public library. Having his position and his knowledge in a variety of subject matters has been indeed inspiring. On many occasions Michael has provided direction on marketing aspects, community engagement advice and provided conversation that would start me thinking and challenge the status quo of how things are done. The introduction of the Trello platform has proved to be a great asset with many projects. It was utilised well when the library team was working on Savannah: Townsville’s Festival of Stories as it allowed clear timelines and tasks that were visual and easy to follow and enabled everything to be in the one area from the one platform. In the past we have had bits and pieces everywhere. I like Michael’s passion and it is evident he loves what he does.”

Emily Zarza, while Marketing Communication Officer, Local Government

Michael has helped me to turn an idea into reality and applies his own creative thought process to add depth to my concepts. An example is the Senior’s Week TVC that we created together. It was completely on the fly and we had to turn it around super quickly but it came out awesome! I find it inspiring that despite tight deadlines he still manages to be creative – nothing seems to be able to hurry him or put him in a flap when it comes to creative thinking.”

Chris Brimble, while Learning and Information Officer, Local Government

“Michael uses a personal human component which has resulted in very moving presentations and positive reactions / feedback by his colleagues and the public. He shows a genuine interest in people and has been proactive in bringing out their unique personalities and strengths which is reflected in his high quality of work.”

Rob Donaldson, while Senior Graphic Design Officer, Local Government

“I value Michael’s input greatly, both from a creative and technical standpoint. I admire that he takes time to teach and share his knowledge with the team, and I know they all get something from his classes. He is respected and highly regarded for what he contributes not just to the Council but the city.”

Brendan Dodd, while Digital Trainee, Local Government

“As a trainee I was nervous coming into the role, this being my first job. Michael provided a comfortable environment where I feel confident in my ability to use the training given to improve my photography and work on my social media posting. I find it helpful that he is open to questions whether in person or on the phone. Michael is an inspiration to many staff including myself because of his different ways of thinking when it comes to marketing. An emphasis on stories is something I hope to focus on more as I progress in my role and it is great to have someone who is passionate about being engaged with the community as a mentor. Regarding the inclusion of the Digital Life initiative (Collaborative City) in Townsville City Council’s Corporate Plan, Michael has been a refreshing and inspiring presence in the library and a great reminder that great and unique projects are possible in this space. I am looking forward to brainstorming new ways to engage with the community to evolve the public perception of libraries from a place you can borrow books to a place for learning and collaboration.”

What remarkable thing would you like to achieve today?

Michael produced this short video, which went viral around the world, inspired Japanese and German corporations to change their policies regarding the hiring of people with disabilities, and created new opportunities for Emma and her family.

For more amazing stories about Emma, search Emma Master Shredder.

Career highlights

  • PhD candidature to explore Townsville’s Creative Underground and co-design approaches between community, business, and government, supervised by Prof. Marcus Foth, Prof. Greg Hearn, and Dr Kim Osman.
  • Co-developed facilities (makerspace, digital studio, learning and collaboration space), technology, systems, and activated programs to combat social isolation and loneliness with private, public, academic, and community partners and participants.
  • Awarded a competitive grant from State Government (top 3% from more than 110 applicants).
  • Awarded a QUT research scholarship.
  • Pursued a Professional Doctorate (DCI) with a focus on (i) the role of public libraries in the city’s innovation ecosystem and (ii) how creativity, innovation, and institutioning occurs in public libraries.
  • Presented at the Green Institute Conference 2023 on the topic ‘trust builds better third spaces‘.
  • Co-developed, implemented, and facilitated a 24hr self-serve perpetually co-designed open lab in regional Australia delivered through the public sector (regional library).
  • Designed and successfully implemented and tested an ecosystem model for community development, a form of biomimicry, social innovation, and novel approach producing social and economic outcomes. The first of its kind used by the public service sector in Australia, (and possibly the first of its kind in the world).
  • Worked on kids show and global phenomenon, Bluey.
  • Produced award-winning original content and impactful narrative storytelling for local government that informs, entertains, and inspires – no more boring government ads! (State winner) (National winner)
  • Designed and implemented the LibComms prototype SaaS for public libraries, improving public library efficiencies and alignment for marketing and operations, an innovation recognised by the Australian Library and Information Association and the British Library.
  • Absolutely everything about being part of the national and award-winning ABC Open team in Australia and collaborating with all the wonderfully diverse fascinating and creative people from around the country who participated in the initiative. ABC Open was a social innovation that utilised decentralised organisation and impactful narrative storytelling.
  • Produced the ‘Emma: Master Shredder’ story which caused policy change in German and Japanese corporations regarding the hiring of people with disabilities, crashed the ABC website via a reddit hug, brought families together, and created new opportunities for Emma and her family.
  • Designed and implemented the ‘Faces of Townsville’ outdoor exhibition – a collaboration between private, public, and community sectors with social and economic outcomes replicated in cities around Australia.
  • Travelled the world through Wallaby Creative, my own business, to work with and experience diverse people, places, businesses, and culture in more than thirty countries and five continents.
  • Worked on National Geographic, Discovery Channel, and BBC projects.
  • Worked with a fun ambitious team at Wild Blue to develop a tiny regional business into a capital city entity with local, national, and global bluechip clients that ended up partnering with similar organisations and listed on the ASX.
  • Performed in award-winning soccer teams, bands, and orchestras.